This case study presentation will share an example of state and regional collaboration with the goal to strengthen local comprehensive plan policy and elevate health as a priority to address key policy issues related to equity and climate change in communities. The case study will share the experience of a collaboratively designed local plan study that occurred while the cities within the Metropolitan Council’s region were completing a 10-year comprehensive plan update cycle. The plan analysis study conducted by the Public Health Law Center focused on 11 indicators, such as food access and extreme heat policies and both the quantity and quality of the indicator present in 49 local plans. The study analysis led to a better understanding of existing local policy and identified both strong local policy examples and showed the respective partners where there was opportunity for further technical assistance. The collaboration has led to renewed commitment by all partners. to focus in these 11 indicator areas. The case study will highlight successes and lessons learned from this collaborative plan analysis study and the technical assistance delivery that has followed.