The workshop will educate attendees on how Envision guides resilience and sustainability planning at a community scale. Using Envision in this manner helps identify resilience and sustainability programs and actions that will provide greater social, environmental, and economic benefits to the community. Envision outlines how to enhance community health and wellbeing, mobility, equity and social justice, leverage leadership in sustainability, reduce resource consumption, preserve and enhance ecosystem services, reduce carbon emissions, and address shocks and stresses to enhance resilience.
The workshop will highlight how Envision encourages “blank page” community engagement, especially with communities who have been historically excluded and marginalized. This type of fair and meaningful engagement allows communities to provide input on what resilience and sustainability concerns are most important to them. Envision incentivizes planners to provide community members greater influence in decision making, consistent with the spectrum of participation published by the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2).
The workshop will also highlight how Quality of Life Credit 3.1 – Advance Equity and Social Justice can foster conducting inclusive and equitable community planning. The intent of this credit is to ensure that equity and social justice are fundamental considerations with project [or planning] processes and decision making. CIP Planning Exercise Resilience Planning Exercise Sustainability Planning Exercise
Learn how climate change and resource consumption challenge our communities and resilience and sustainability planning is a high priority.
Understand the background and purpose of the "Envision Sustainable Infrastructure Framework" developed and managed by the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure.
See how Envision can be used to enhance community resilience and sustainability planning.