Have you ever been in a community meeting and wondered how you will get anything done? No one seems to agree, solutions are few, and it seems hard to bring diverse voices to the table. It is common for communities to struggle with communication and for some people to feel like they do not belong or have a valuable voice in the discussion. But that does not mean you must accept this!
Art and culture have a unique way of bridging the divide. The arts are a major economic driver and improves quality of life. With collaborative planning, communities can use this to strategically grow and develop.
Join the tri-state team from Washington, Nebraska, and Idaho that is working together to bring creative solutions to communities during this interactive session. Hear about the struggles and highlights through each state's creative district case studies. Learn how to engage your community members in a productive and meaningful way through facilitation exercises and communication techniques. The session ends with time for reflection and a Q&A. Using the techniques, exercises, and communication skills presented, you can ensure that you hear all voices and approach community development with a growth mindset.
Learn how arts and culture intersects with other economic sectors, and approach community planning and development initiatives through this lens.
Understand how to bring artists, creatives, the business community, educational facilities, libraries and other institutions, local government, etc. together to focus on long-term approaches to local economic sustainability.
Facilitate conversations with diverse community members that focus on local values, needs, arts, and culture. Learn techniques for getting these conversations to win-win outcomes for the entire community.