Learn strategies to address the challenges public spaces face in post-COVID downtowns. Participants will dive into distinct models for public space design and management to ensure a variety of spaces are inviting, vibrant contributors to a thriving downtown.
Like many cities, Minneapolis continues to work through the changing downtown context brought by COVID. Only an estimated 70% of office workers have returned, and only a few days a week. Retailers have struggled and building landlords face high vacancy rates. Lingering safety concerns dissuade visitors from coming downtown. Furthermore, the city’s famous skyways can at times discourage the people who are downtown from ever coming down to street level and using the public outdoor spaces.
The workshop will introduce participants to a mix of the city’s downtown public spaces, some thriving and some struggling, including a National Register-listed historic plaza, a formerly underutilized alley, and an indoor/outdoor community space. Participants will learn how partners and landowners are using design, art, activation, and service provision to ensure these spaces thrive, are welcoming to everyone, and support Minneapolis’ post-pandemic recovery. Participants will be able to apply the strategies in their own communities to support vibrant public spaces in a changed downtown context. Particular attention will be given to the range of programs and services tailored to diverse groups and the thoughtful consideration of the whole spectrum of downtown users.
The models included range from modest to more intense intervention, addressing the full spectrum of downtown users with all their diverse needs. Whether focusing on partnerships, innovative night time programming, arts and culture-based activation, or outreach/social service provision, all visitors can be welcome and included in the management approach.
Learning Objectives:
Describe multiple models of public space management and partnership in the context of changing downtowns.
Articulate the need to balance design, maintenance, programming and service provision in shaping successful, inclusive public spaces.
Analyze less successful downtown public spaces and apply meaningful strategies from Minneapolis in their own communities to transform underutilized spaces.