The 2023 legislative session adjourned on Monday, May 22nd. The session was marked by single DFL party control in the House, Senate, and Governor’s office, a one-seat majority in the Senate, a $17 billion budget surplus, and passage of consequential pieces of priority legislation for the majority. The session was unusually fast-paced and included a record number of bill introductions and the passage of several consequential bills. This session will cover the following topics related to the housing component of the session: 1) More funding for affordable housing 2) Local Housing Aid Metro Sales Tax 3) Tenant Rights Reform This session will educate planners nationwide about the leadership of the Minnesota Legislature and how planners can bring lessons learned to their communities.
Learning Objectives:
Identify innovative and historic investments in housing and economic development from Minnesota, the host city.
Learn how to work through local legislators to be effective.
Describe implementing legislative directives at the local level