Edward Lamson AICP is a Director and Urban Planner at BJH. Edward draws from his background in policy and advocacy to devise comprehensive planning solutions and real estate analyses for private and public sector clients. His recent projects at BJH include consulting with a municipal redevelopment agency on its downtown tenant incentive program, performing a multi-site market analysis to rationalize the real estate portfolio of a state agency, constructing a gap financing proposal for a commercial development in New York City, and assembling a pro forma analysis for a development project in New Jersey. Edward completed his Masters in Urban Planning at Harvard University. Prior to BJH, he served as a reasearcher for water sustainability and infrastructure projects at a Mexico City engineering practice. He previously clerked for the Attorney General of Ontario in Toronto, Canada at the environment and land tribunals division. While there, he advised decision-makers on green energy infrastructure projects, zoning and master plan appeals, and real estate development proposals. Since 2014, Edward has been a licensed attorney with the Law Society of Upper Canada. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners.
PlaNYC Getting Sustainability Done: From Initiatives to Implementation
Sunday, April 14, 2024
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM CT