City of Lincoln
Lincoln, NE
Stephanie Rouse, AICP, is an transportation planner with the Lincoln-Lancaster County Planning Department, focusing both on active transportation and historic preservation. In previous positions both in the consulting and government sectors she worked on comprehensive plans, housing studies, and bicycle and pedestrian plans. She has served as a Metro Area Director for the Minnesota chapter of APA, Vice President/PDO for the Nebraska Chapter and is currently the Nebraska Chapter President. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Architecture and a Master of Community and Regional Planning, both from the University of Nebraska. She meets the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for Architectural History and serves on the board of Preserve Lincoln, a local volunteer organization devoted to preservation. She formerly was a project manager for the Minneapolis Music History Project, guiding the public engagement, assisting with research, and working with the historic consultant.
Minneapolis Music History Mobile Tour
Saturday, April 13, 2024
10:30 AM – 1:00 PM CT