Minneapolis, MN
Nathan is a Transportation Planning and Programming manager at Minneapolis Public Works. He manages a team that is responsible for capital programming, asset management, preliminary concept layout plans, community outreach, multimodal/active transportation planning, and transportation planning studies. Nathan currently oversees the programming, planning, and conceptual design of walking, biking, paving, and reconstruction projects that account for $85M worth of annual investments as a part of the City's 6-Year Capital Improvement Program.
Throughout his career he has been involved in the following range of activities: transportation plans, corridor studies, street design, transitway studies (streetcar, BRT, and Light Rail), traffic operations, travel demand forecasting, public engagement and outreach meetings, site plan review, multimodal safety analysis, grant proposals, and asset management.
Delivering on Decades of Planning at Upper Harbor
Saturday, April 13, 2024
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM CT