Metropolitan Council - Saint Paul, MN
Saint Paul, MN
Tracey Kinney, AICP, Senior Planner at the Metropolitan Council, works as part of a team in partnership with 10 Implementing Agencies on the Regional Parks and Trails System. Equity, inclusivity, and belonging of underrepresented communities specifically Black, Indigenous and people of color has been a prioritized effort since 2015. The Agency-Council partnership has been advancing equity through tailored engagement using a 2020 equity analysis tool during the development of park and trail long-range plans. The equity analysis tool at a high-level asks: “Who was engaged? What is known about these communities? How were they engaged? and How did the advice affect the plan?” The Council’s in-progress Historical-Cultural Study builds on the equity analysis effort by exploring the historical underpinnings of the region’s community relationships to the evolution of the Regional Parks and Trails System. The mobile tour highlights three regional parks that share stories of community-agency partnerships that uplift culture, history, and ecological health. The tour is a glimpse into the burgeoning reconciliation work of two Implementing Agencies and a celebration of community diversity in the Twin Cities region.
Exploring the Origins and Evolution of Regional Parks
Monday, April 15, 2024
1:00 PM – 5:30 PM CT