Cultural Resource Planner III
Montgomery County Planning Department, M-NCPPC
Wheaton, Maryland
John Liebertz is a Cultural Resources Planner with the Historic Preservation Office, Montgomery Planning, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from the University of Mary Washington and a Master degree in Historic Preservation from the University of Kentucky. He previously worked as a Lead Historic Preservation Specialist for EHT Traceries, Inc., a research and consulting firm in Washington, D.C., specializing in architectural history and historic preservation, and as a Principal Planner in Arlington County, Virginia. He worked on several projects including a Historic Structures Report for The President’s Guest House (Blair House), Cultural Landscape Documentation for the Millennium Project at Arlington National Cemetery, and authored the Guide to the African American Heritage in Arlington County (2016). Since joining Montgomery Planning in 2019, Mr. Liebertz has designated a number of resources at the local level and leads a multi-disciplinary team currently documenting racial restrictive covenants in Montgomery County.
Mapping Segregation and the Geography of Racial Exclusion
Saturday, April 13, 2024
12:00 PM – 12:45 PM CT