Rundell Ernstberger Associates
Westfield, IN
Cynthia, a graduate of Ball State University, is the Director of Planning for Rundell Ernstberger Associates (REA), with over 28 years of experience. Cynthia manages complex, multi-discipline planning and urban design projects both in the US and abroad. Most of Cynthia’s work focuses on economic development, revitalization, aesthetics and regulations. Cynthia works with clients, stakeholders, and community leaders to create plans that transform neighborhoods physically, socially and economically. Cynthia is a certified planner and has expertise in comprehensive and land use planning, transportation and corridor planning, neighborhood planning, zoning/ subdivision regulations, and the development of implementation strategies. Cynthia’s strength is building consensus, creating understandable linkages between policy, design, and regulations and other implementation mechanisms. Besides her US based work, Cynthia has led projects in the Middle East focused on creating cities and neighborhoods that were integrated, secure, and contained a mix of jobs, residential, retail, parks, schools, mosques, and gathering areas. Cynthia is a Past President of the American Planning Association.
Monday, April 15, 2024
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT