Transportation Planner
Sam Schwartz
New York, NY
Kelly McGuinness, AICP is a transportation planner at Sam Schwartz, specializing in transportation planning and policy with a focus on equity. Kelly leverages data-driven insights to inform transportation policies that benefit all users. Her expertise lies in analyzing complex data sets to promote community well-being and future planning. With a passion for creating safe, livable, and equitable streets, she has worked on high-profile projects for New York City agencies and organizations, including NYC DOT, NYC Parks, Prospect Park Alliance, Central Park Conservancy, and city BIDs. Recently, Kelly worked on the project team that developed the Central Park Drives Safety and Circulation Study in collaboration with the Central Park Conservancy, NYC DOT, and NYC Parks.
Urban Park Futures: Navigating Transformative Mobility Trends
Friday, May 10, 2024
11:00 AM – 11:45 AM CT