With PLANNING2050, Cities and Communities will improve critical systems to be Carbon-neutral, Resilient, and equitable by 2050. This will be possible with the implementation of ACTIONABLE COMMITMENTS (LISAs / LIRAs) embedded in this framework for planning practice. LISAs and LIRAs are acronyms for Large Impact Scalable Actions, and Large Impact Replicable Actions. These ACTIONS are not just performance metrics, but the resulting balance and correlation between these in separate systems. Planning 2050's goal is to build a database of LISAs and LIRAs. The presentation will offer an introduction of the PLG2050 framework, and some examples of leader signatories. This session will showcase the innovative methodologies in planning practice (opportunity for planners to learn new skills), with a deep alignment to improve systems in community and urban planning, recognizing the multidisciplinary challenge for planning. The PLANNING2050 database of ACTIONS is generated through commitments set forth by the adopters of the initiative. These actions are metrics that ensure system improvement in climate, resiliency and social equity, and are seen as impacting various systems at the same time, recognizing the interconnectedness of planning actions. The planning2050 framework is intentionally a foresight of planning practice that will help scaling and replicating effective solutions.