Agricultural producers on small farms constitute an underserved community with inherent vulnerabilities. This presentation aims to address their needs through encouraging the creation and adoption of equitable zoning and land use policies to provide unique tools small farms require in order to thrive. Through prioritizing evolving needs of small farms, communities will be able assist in the bolstering of local food systems and ensure access to nourishing, local agricultural products while restoring healthy ecosystems. The Planning profession has a track record of championing underserved groups and Agricultural Producers operating small farms are attempting to survive the threats of bankruptcy and corporate takeover. Planners and land use policy makers may not know their own policies are hindering this population. We present an opportunity for members our planning profession to champion farm-focused policies and take substantial steps towards ensuring a more resilient and interconnected future where sustainability of agricultural heritage and our communities are upheld.
Understand the importance of our food systems and why the connection to small farms in America are essential to equitable land use practices and land use management.
Recognize that outdated land use / zoning regulations are placing undo constraints on small farms and may discourage sustainable agricultural practices within communities.
Inspire revisions to land use polices that allow small farms to pursue unique uses to support their economic viability.