The Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will expand upon previous resilient planning initiatives to develop a new Regional Transportation Resilience Improvement Plan (RTRIP) using an anticipated PROTECT Planning Grant. The Houston-Galveston region is one of the largest and most at-risk in the country for repeated hazardous and disaster events that can impact the resiliency of the transportation system and the people that need it to function. To better equip the eight-county MPO region with implementable project and planning guidance, this plan will fine-tune previously developed resilient strategies, address MPO identified gaps from previous planning analysis, and conduct a robust local sponsor and public input process with emphasis on environmental justice principles and disadvantaged communities. This Case Study presentation will dive into the data informing a 2018 FHWA Resiliency and Durability Pilot Program, the lessons learned, and how it will inform the future RTRIP. What stakeholders and communities need to be involved? What questions does H-GAC need to ask? What data does H-GAC need to gather? What tools can H-GAC use? How can H-GAC improve the resiliency of the region’s transportation network and improve the quality of life for the region’s citizens, especially disadvantaged communities?