Join one or more of the National Planning Awards winners in a live interview to share their work at the conference and with thousands of GovLove podcast listeners. Whether it is the Daniel Burnham Award winner, the Charlotte Future 2040 comprehensive plan; the Advancing Diversity and Social Change Award winner, Our Legacy, Our Community: A Renewed Vision for North Tulsa; the Resilience & Sustainability Award winner, Kaua'i, Hawai'i’s Sea Level Rise Constraint District; or the Planning Excellence Award winner, Detroit’s Cody Rouge & Warrendale YOUTH-CENTRIC Neighborhood Framework; all of these award-winners will offer planners and listeners practical tools to apply in their own work. Where the awards process values inclusive and equitable planning, a conversation with the award-winners will offer valuable ideas to help the audience advance positive change.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will learn how the plan’s visionary approach addresses community needs and what makes this plan stand out compared to other plans.
Participants will evaluate efforts to solicit input from people that have been historically left out of the planning process and efforts to elevate the value of planning within communities.
Participants will consider the positive or unintended outcomes of the plan’s efforts and take home practical skills to implement in their own communities.