Attendees will learn how to engage the community using AARP's Walk Audit Tool Kit to assess and report on their street's walkability and safety for people of all ages and abilities.
Urban planning research concludes that our roads are designed without the pedestrian in mind. Planners and local municipalities are taking action by adopting Complete Street policies, performing tactical urbanism projects to reduce traffic speeds, and developing an incremental network of more walkable streets. With our roads already designed and the cost of Complete Street implementation very high - AARP Livable Communities presents the AARP Walk Audit Tool Kit as a community engagement method and street improvement prioritization tool. AARP Livable Communities developed the AARP Walk Audit Tool Kit to empower community members to assess and report on the safety and accessibility of their local streets. Since the Tool Kits inception, community members across the country have hosted walk audits and used the results of their audits to collaborate with their local officials to promote grassroots change in their community. This mobile workshop will teach planners how to effectively empower community members that are using the Walk Audit Tool Kit and how to host Walk Audits in their own community as an engagement and data collection strategy.
According to Smart Growth America, "People of color, particularly Native and Black Americans, are more likely to die while walking than any other race or ethnic group." Walk Audits are an inclusive community engagement and data collection tool that influence local change that impacts people of all ages and abilities.
Learning Objectives:
Successfully and safely lead a walk audit in your community.
Collaborate with community members to create tangible change in their community.
Utilize the data collected during a walk audit effectively.