Technical Manager Michael Baker Intl. Chicago, Illinois
Reaching new and diverse audiences is challenging. This session aims to acknowledge hazard mitigation planning's 'wicked problems' through a gamification collaboration exercise. FEMA Region 2 is developing two products – a scavenger hunt activity and a mitigation card game. This session hopes to channel a 'charrette' to answer critical questions and create successful and engaging products by sharing research and discussing successes and lessons learned. For example, how can we make a scavenger hunt for people of all abilities? How can we make a card game that is engaging and educational for an 8-year-old and an 80-year-old? These are just some of the questions this session hopes to address. This session will foster discussion, collaboration and co-creation around innovative engagement projects. Using two engagement projects in development, FEMA Region 2 will use real-world examples to share their experience while also working with attendees to develop innovative and engaging tools in their work.