Principal and Vice President
APA Texas -Houston-Galveston Section
Pearland, TX
Shad Comeaux, AICP, is a Principal and Vice President and an Urban Planner at Freese and Nichols, Inc. Additionally, he leads the urban planning and business development efforts in the Western Gulf Coast Division. Shad has led various planning projects, including small-area/downtown plans, comprehensive plans and campus master plans. He has applicable experience in zoning, future land use and redevelopment. His passion for project management and client service leads him to provide open communication, timely responsiveness and efficient project delivery. Shad’s experience with community and stakeholder involvement allows him to address clients' specific needs and concerns while also building consensus among citizens. His experience assisting communities and higher education institutions through visioning, goal-setting and priority recommendations has allowed him to develop and utilize various techniques to gather information during any stage of the planning process. As a former municipal planner, Shad has unique insight into challenges and opportunities that lead to plans based on reality with achievable implementation strategies.
Shad has volunteered in APA through various roles during the last 15 years, such as member of the APA Education Committee, past director of the TxAPA Houston Section and currently chair of the National Planning Conference Committee for Minneapolis 2024.
Project Management Tools for All Planners
Sunday, April 14, 2024
2:00 PM – 2:45 PM CT